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                                                  Departed Classmates


It has been brought to our attention that some of our departed classmates have not been listed.  If this is the case we can assure you that any such omission was unintentional.  We can only monitor the local newspapers to keep our listing up to date which is unfortunate since so many class members have settled outside of the local area.  


YOU CAN HELP!  If you are aware of other classmates who have passed on then you can email this info to  In the subject line write "'1969 Departed".  We all realize the sensitive nature of this information and must insist upon absolute accuracy.  Therefore, only send the names of those whose obituary you have read or whose funeral you have attended or have access to some other equally incontrovertible evidence of death.  


Listed below is our current record of those classmates who have passed on.

Albanoski, Joseph

Aldaco, Linda

Allen, Donald

Amici, Thomas

Anderson, Roger

Anson, Edward

Balch, Douglas

Beach, Dawn

Bean, Kenneth

Bennett, Raul


Brandal, Susan

Bryan, Lowell

Burke, William

Calicchia, Luigia

Carpenter, Linda

Carro, John

Cecilia, Romeo

Chapin, David

Circle, Elaine

Clifford, Thomas

Cole, John

Colle, Wayne

Corigliano, Joann



James Deming

DePasquale, Terry

DeSimone, Carol

Dombrowski, John

Dorn, Richard

Duell, Gary

Eades, Michelle

Edick, Benjamin

Esche, Dianna

Farino, David

Fellows, Sharon

Michael Formichael

Goreham, Steven

Gorton, David

Graziul, Stanley

Gualtieri, Ronald

Hall, Karen

Harris, David

Herman, Charles

Holland, Richard

Hurlbut, John

Johnson, Betty

Jones, Gina



Jones, Ruthann

Jones, Wilson

Jutzeler, Mark

Kent, Robert Kozlowski, Ronald

Lambert, Ronald

Ludden, Peter

Madonia, Marian

Markham, Deborah

Mays, Willie

McCue, Patricia

Merchant, Patricia

Mercurio, Ronald

Michelena, Jim

Miller, Deborah

Moyer, Hope

Murray, Susan

Muscarella, Philip

Nester, James

Nelson, Gregory

Nicholas, Gary


Pasqualetti, Augie

Petrie, Linda

Pickett, Norman

Pliniski, Cynthia


Renzi, Joseph

Reynolds, Don

Sanzone, Anne

Schillaci, Joseph

Sedgwick, Margaret


Skarnulis, James

Smith, Deborah

Soloman, Steven

Spado, Roberta

Stewart, Patricia

Stubbs, Tracy

Szewczyk, Daniel

Tardugno, Joseph

Thaler, Denise

Thayler, Diane

Thomas, Timothy

Volk, Kenneth

Tuthill, William

Tyksinski, Christine

Woodruff, Carol

Younglove, Clifford

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